Berlin Tips
Explore helpful tips for enjoying Berlin!
From parks and playgrounds to street art, outdoor activities, and more.

Botanical garden
Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8, 14195 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 83850100
Gaerten der Welt
Blumberger Damm 44, 12685 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 700906720
Nature Park Schöneberger Südgelände
Prellerweg 47-49, 12157
Berlin, Germany
+49 30 700906710
TV-ASAHI Cherry Blossom lane
This lane is part of the Mauerweg and beautiful with all cherry blossoms in April. You can bike there via the Teltow canal (20 min from Rathaus Kleinmachnow).
Lichterfelder Allee 165
14513, Kirschbaumallee, Teltow, Germany
14109 Berlin, Germany
You go here with a ferry for 4 minutes, you pay 2 or 3 euros to cross and go back. There are peacocks walking freely. No bikes on the island.
Tempelhofer Feld
A great open area to walk, bike, rent an e scooter. There is also a great biergarten.
Tempelhofer Damm, 12101 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 700906710
Volkspark Potsdam
A great bike ride from Kleinmachnow, via the bridge of Spies and Neues Park, a great place for kids to play and to walk around. There are different playgrounds, disc golf, mini golf and the biosphere Potsdam. You pay a small entrance fee.
Georg-Hermann-Allee 99, 14469 Potsdam, Germany
Tiergarten (near the Brandenburger Tor)
A great park to explore with a lake (boat rental), Memorials, playgrounds, cafe am Neuen See (great place to get a coffee while strolling around) and even a street light open air museum.
Schlosspark Charlottenburg
Spandauer Damm 10-22, 14059 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 320911
Schlosspark Sanssoucci
Maulbeerallee, 14469 Potsdam, Germany
Teufelsberg and Drachenberg
A great relic from the cold war era where you can now see great street art, have an amazing view and a great walk to get there. There is an entrance fee to get in but the walk up and the view is for free.
Teufelsberg, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Klausenerplatz opposite Schloss Charlottenburg
Berlin Zoo has a great playground
Dalandweg 23, 12167 Berlin
Yehudi Menudinpark, near Kleinmachnow but in Berlin
Rutschenterminal inVolkspark Potsdam
Bornstedt, 14469 Potsdam, Germany

Street Art
Urban Nation street art museum
Emser Str. 19-20, 10719 Berlin, Germany
Around Mehring Platz (Willemstrasse/Franz Kluhsstrasse)
East Side Gallery
Mühlenstraße 3-100, 10243 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 2517159
Useful websites with more information on street art:
Sport Activities
Flaeming Skate
A place to bike and skate, a bit further out but great to explore
14943 Luckenwalde, Germany
Mount Mitte
In the middle of the city, this is a great place to play beach volleyball and climb.
Caroline-Michaelis-Straße 8, 10115 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 555778922
Kanu and Kajak rental
Heerstraße 199B, 13595 Berlin, Germany
+49 1575 4499299
SUP rental at the Schlachtsensee
Fischerhüttenstraße 136, 14163 Berlin, Germany
Werner Hoppe Rowing boats rental at the SchlachtenSee
When you are standing in front of the Fischerhuette walk left along the Schlachtensee and you will find it.

Outdoor Swimming
Strandbad Wannsee
Wannseebadweg 25, 14129 Berlin, Germany
Strandbad Plötzensee
+49 30 8035450Nordufer 26, 13351 Berlin, Germany
Freibad Kiebitzberge
Fontanestraße 30, 14532 Kleinmachnow, Germany
And of course: open swimming along entire shores of Schlachtensee, Krumme Lanke, Grunewald (with dogs) and along the WannSee
Zoologischer Garten Berlin
Hardenbergplatz 8, 10787 Berlin, Germany (currently need to book tickets)
+49 30 254010
Tierpark Berlin
Am Tierpark 125, 10319 Berlin, Germany (this zoo allows dogs and book a ticket online
+49 30 515310
There is a great combination annual ticket for the above zoos and the aquarium at the Zoologischer Garten.
Vogelpark Teltow
Kastanienstraße 13-19, 14513 Teltow, Germany
+49 171 3861763

Off Leash for Dogs
Here dogs can go off leash:
Grunewald (dog beach)
Guterfelder See
Wannsee - Duppel Forst
Krumme Lanke (on the path around the lake only with leash)
SchlachtenSee (on the path around the lake only with leash)
On public transportation your dog needs a ticket and a muzzle (Maulkorb).
Points of interest
Glienicker Brücke (bridge of spies)
Königstraße, 14109 Berlin, Germany
Checkpoint Charlie
Friedrichstraße 43-45, 10117 Berlin, Germany; also a great open-air exhibit on the Berlin Wall, adjacent
Checkpoint Bravo
Albert-Einstein-Ring 45a, 14532 Kleinmachnow, Germany
Dutch Quarter
Benkertstraße 6-12, 14467 Potsdam, Germany
Neue Hakeburg am Machnower See
Am Hochwald, 14532 Kleinmachnow, Germany
Next to the parking lot of BBIS. There are tours twice a month, go to this website. Tours are normally in German.
Königliche Gartenakademie GmbH & Co.
Altensteinstraße 15a, 14195 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 83220900

Biking / Walking
Berlin to Potsdam
Mauerweg (160 km)
To the Alt Autobahn Brücke in Kleinmachnow (opposite from Albrechts Teerofen), via Checkpoint Bravo and old Trainbridge (street art!)
Along the Teltow Canal (Tourist information in Teltow is in old town)
Interesting apps
Going Local Berlin
BVG app, buy your public transport tickets via this app, find your routes.